

I usually don't pay attention to the spammy pyramidal petitionist blurbs that my sister sends me but this one seems important. I'm not a fan of Stephen Harper but to my knowledge he hasn't done too much to make Canada unliveable...until now.

This is a part of the letter sent out by Avaaz and it says it all:

Dear friends,
Prime Minister Harper is trying to push American-style hate media onto our airwaves, and make us all pay for it.

His plan is to create a "Fox News North" to mimic the kind of hate-filled propaganda with which Fox News has poisoned U.S. politics. The channel will be run by Harper’s former top aide and will be funded with money from our cable TV fees!

One man stands in the way of this nightmare -- the Chairman of Canada's Radio and Telecommunications Commission Konrad von Finckenstein. He's rejected the plan as a violation of CRTC policies, so now Harper is trying to get him out of the job. Let's urgently send a massive wave of public support to von Finckenstein, with 100,000 Canadians encouraging him to keep standing up for Canada, and standing firm against Harper's pressure. Sign the petition below and forward this email to everyone -- we'll publish full page ads in Canadian papers when we reach 100,000...
Here's a link to the petition for your perusal.

Check out the link if you want to sign up and relay it to your pals. You don't even have to be Canadian, just a lover of democracy!

Man, I hate getting political, so here is some info from the Obakemono Project on the 狐 (きつね or Kitsune), a fox-demon in Japanese mythology!
Found throughout East Asian folklore are innumerable tales about the fox, an animal considered predisposed to magic and particularly prone to developing ghostly qualities. Like the tengu, foxes were both divine and mischievous beings, adept at shapeshifting and illusion and often accused of possessing and misleading humans.
The fox refines its talents over the years and acquires wisdom with age, and it was thought that a fox lucky enough to survive fifty or a hundred years would then be sufficiently skilled in magic to transform into a person. As a sign of its seniority, a long-lived fox would develop an extra tail with each passing century, until it possessed nine and had become impossibly powerful and clever.
Foxes were thought to live lives much like people, and in art they often interact with each other in a partially anthropomorphic form, standing on two legs and wearing clothes. But to enter the world of humans they had to look completely like them, as foxes caught trying to trick people with disguises would be severely punished, and often wound up in soup. A fox wishing to transform itself had many special techniques at its disposal, such as placing a human skull on top of its head and praying to the Big Dipper. A careless fox might still leave elements of its anatomy unchanged beneath its clothes, usually a tail but sometimes fur and paws as well, and sometimes it was thus discovered.
The most famous kitsune stories involve foxes that transform themselves into beautiful women, usually for devious purposes but sometimes out of love. Foxes in human form would even sometimes marry human men and have children, who would manifest their supernatural vulpine heritage in unusual strength, charisma, or spiritual power. Famous men such as the great onmyouji Abe no Seimei were often said to be the sons of fox wives.
Foxes have also become very closely associated and even confused with the kami Inari, the ambiguously-gendered god/goddess of rice and the harvest, and are often thought to be his/her messengers or incarnations. Depictions of foxes have largely replaced anthropomorphic images of Inari at his/her many shrines, which are guarded by a pair of stone foxes instead of the usual Chinese lions. Offerings of abura-age (fried, sweetened tofu), thought to be a favorite of foxes, are often made to this kami.

Various ranks of foxes are said to exist; at the bottom is the yako or nogitsune, the ordinary, earthly "field fox", above that are the kiko (air or spirit fox), and the kuuko (sky or emptiness fox); and the highest of all is the tenko or amagitsune, the fox of heaven, sometimes considered to be the same being as the great tengu. The nogitsune, as the only kind of fox that does not serve Inari, is also the only type that can harm a human being, but these wild foxes can still sometimes reach their full nine-tailed potential, as in the tale of the wicked Tamamo-No-Mae, who through her deadliness and illusionary beauty became perhaps the most famous fox in all of Japanese folklore.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That letter seems fairly melodramatic and (I'm guessing) over-exaggerated. Though it did enlighten me on one scary bit of info- apparently and unfortunately Fox News isn't satire.
Now I've got all different reasons to laugh while watching it.

Hey U.S.A!
- Did you know that before us Canadians export our water to you we slip stupid-juice in it?- Now it all (almost) makes sense.


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