
Shotgun-Bearing Hobo Time.

I was watching some Evil Dead, the Musical clips and for some reason, another movie came to mind.

Last April, when I was home I had the privilege of watching one of the stupidest, awesomest, cheapest, bestest movies in recent history. I am of course referring to HWaS, a Messterpiece if I ever saw one. Pal, Andy, has suggested a few movies one should watch while holed up in Typhoon season and this is my entry.

A train pulls into the station – it’s the end of the line. A hobo jumps from a freight car hoping for a fresh start in a new city. Instead, he finds himself trapped in an urban hell. This is a world where criminals rule the streets and Drake, the city’s crime boss, reigns supreme alongside his sadistic murderous sons, Slick & Ivan. Amidst the chaos, the hobo comes across a pawn shop window displaying a secondhand lawn mower. He dreams of making the city a beautiful place and starting a new life for himself. But as the brutality continues to rage around him, he notices a shotgun hanging above the lawn mower... Quickly, he realizes the only way to make a difference in this town is with that gun in his hand and two shells in its chamber...
ルトガー・ハウアー主演のバイオレンス・アクション『Hobo With a Shotgun』のオフィシャル・トレーラーが公開されました。同作は、『グラインドハウス』のフェイク予告編コンペで注目された作品を長編化したもので、暴力に支配された町にやってきたひとりのホーボーが、犯罪者たちをショットガンで殺しまくるという単純明快なストーリー。日本では某社が本作の権利を買おうかどうか迷っているという話でしたが…。
(Synopsis in English scammed from the official website below and the Japanese scammed from here.)

Click Hobo with a Shotgun and you can revel in the stupidity hilarity that I experienced.

Unfortunately, 13 Assassins never made it to Sendai, cuz I'd be all over that sh*t.

If you've seen it, let me know if I should track it down.

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